1958 Photo Gallery. Last updated 30 December, 2015
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• 01 Jan -- NAF has 60 aircraft consisting of 1 AD-4B, 1 HO4S-3, 1 HUP-2, 1 F8U-1, 1 F9F-8, 2 F9F-8B, 2 F2H-2, 2 FJ-4, 1 F3H-2N, 2 F3D-2, 1 F3D-1, 2 F4D-1, 5 F9F-6D, 1 A4D-1, 1 AD-5, 1 A3D-1, 1 AJ-1, 1 P2V-3, 2 P2V-2, 1 R4D-6, 1 R4D-5, 2 T-28BD, 2 JD-1D & 25 F6F-5K drones. VX-5 has 22 aircraft consisting of 4 F9F-8B, 4 FJ-4B, 5 A4D-2, 4 A4D-1, 2 AD-7, 2 AD-5N & 1 SNB-5.
• 14 Feb -- The RAT antisubmarine weapon system is declared operational.
• 25 Mar -- Private Jerald V. Roberts lost his life in a shooting accident.
• 14 Apr -- 10 of the stations pilots participated in the 3rd Annual Naval Air Gunnery Meet at El Centro.
• 28 Apr -- A SNORT sled took 1.76 seconds and 3,600 feet of track to set a new record of 2,827.5 mph.
• 02 May -- An RCAF modified Lancaster bomber arrived to evaluate it's operation with the Ryan KDA-1
• 08 May -- LCdr... Seldon May ejected from F8U-1 BuNo 143706 after it flamed out and couldn't be restarted.
• 14 May -- USMC 1st Lt. Matthew Peck operating from MAAS Mojave ejected from his FJ-4 after a fired rocket didn't separate from the launcher.
• 14 May -- U.S. Navy pilot S. Joel Premselaar ejected from F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 134762 after a flight control crankpin failed.
• 14 May -- U.S. Navy pilot LCdr. P.W. Nichols and crew survived the crash of the SAR helicopter (138501) as it attempted to rescue Premselaar.
• 26 May -- VX-5 sent 10 officers to Corpus Christi to conduct an air firepower demonstration for the Aviation Writers Association. Cdr. Larry Cauble, ejected from A4D-2 BuNo 142727 after a flameout during the demonstration.
• 24 Jun -- VX-5 LCdr.. Richard M. Hopfinger lost his life when his FJ-4B Fury crashed.
• 27 Jun -- Polaris demonstrated to the press at San Clemente Island.
• 01 Jul -- NAF has 44 aircraft consisting of 1 AD-4B, 1 AD-4B, 1 F8U-1, 1 YF8U-1, 2 F9F-8B, 2 F2H-2, 2 FJ-4, 2 F3H-2N, 1 YF3D-2, 1 YF3D-1, 1 YF4D-1, 4 F9F-6D, 1 A4D-1, 1 AD-5, 1 A3D-1, 1 A3D-2, 1 P2V-3, 1 P2V-2, 1 R4D-6, 1 R4D-5, 2 T-28BD, 2 JD-1D & 14 F6F-5K drones. VX-5 has 13 aircraft consisting of 3 FJ-4B, 4 A4D-2, 2 AD-5N, 2 A3D-2, 2 TV-2 & 1 SNB-5.
• 04 Jul -- NOTSNIK Failure: exploded.
• 18 Jul -- NOTSNIK: exploded before lift-off.
• 25 Jul -- NOTSNIK: Radio contact lost; possibly reached orbit
• 12 Aug -- NOTSNIK: exploded at ignition,
• 16 Aug -- NOTSNIK: structural failure.
• 17 Aug -- NOTSNIK: Structural failure.
• 19 Aug -- In its first successful flight a Tartar surface-to-air missile, fired at the NOTS, China Lake, intercepted an F6F drone.
• 22 Aug -- NOTSNIK: Radio contact lost; possibly reached orbit
• 25 Aug -- NOTSNIK: exploded,.
• 26 Aug -- NOTSNIK: stage failed to ignite, fell into the Pacific.
• 28 Aug -- NOTSNIK: a first stage motor failed to ignite causing structural failure.
• 10 Oct -- Successful RAPEC tests pave way for use by all Armed Services.
• 17 Oct -- NAF Flight personnel demonstrated modern age jet transportation when they carried the mail from San Francisco to St. Louis in 2 hours and 58 minutes over the same Overland Mail route that required 24 days 100 years ago.
FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139555 FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139555
FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139555

VX-5 Vampires FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139555, XE-4, in-flight, circa 1957/1958. Official U.S. Navy photo from Larry Cauble, Jr.

FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139555 FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139555
FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139555

VX-5 Vampires FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139555, XE-4, in-flight with Mk 12 special weapon shape, circa 1957/1958. Official U.S. Navy photo from Larry Cauble, Jr.

FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139555 FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139555
FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139555

VX-5 Vampires FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139555, XE-4, Mk 7 special weapon shape, circa 1957/1958. Official U.S. Navy photo from Larry Cauble, Jr.

Skywarrior, Cougar and Skyhawk Skywarrior, Cougar and Skyhawk
Skywarrior, Cougar and Skyhawk

VX-5 Vampires A3D-2 Skywarrior BuNo 142630, XE-15, in flight with unknown VX-5 F9F-8 Cougar and VX-5 A4D-1 Skyhawk, circa 1957/1958. Official U.S. Navy photo from Larry Cauble, Jr.

LCdr. Larry Cauble LCdr. Larry Cauble
LCdr. Larry Cauble

VX-5 Vampires LCdr. Larry Cauble in the cockpit of an FJ-4B Fury, Armitage Field, China Lake, 1957/1958. Photo from Larry Cauble, Jr.

Rockeye and Ordies Rockeye and Ordies
Rockeye and Ordies

NAF F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 143706, A4D-1 & A4D-2 Skyhawk, Rockeye & ordies, China Lake Hot Line, early 1958 as 143706 crashed 09 May 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo from the Secret City video.

R4D-6 Skytrain BuNo 50832 R4D-6 Skytrain BuNo 50832
R4D-6 Skytrain BuNo 50832

NAF R4D-6 Skytrain BuNo 50832, unknown location, circa 1958. Global Air Image photo.

The Blue Goose The Blue Goose
The Blue Goose

NAF A3D-1 Skywarrior BuNo 135414, aka the Blue Goose, well polished and on the Armitage Field flight Line west of the NAF Line Shack, China Lake, circa 1958. Photo from Kenny Bearden.

VF-91 F-8C Crusaders VF-91 F-8C Crusaders
VF-91 F-8C Crusaders

VF-91 F-8C Crusaders BuNo 145581, NG-101, and BuNo 145583, NG-108, low pass, 01 Jan. 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NOTS Crash Crew NOTS Crash Crew
NOTS Crash Crew

NOTS Crash Crew, all unknown except Lawrence "Larry" Lewis who is standing at far right. Standing center may be Woody, China Lake, 1958. Photo from Lawrence Lewis.

GMU-61 pilots and Demon GMU-61 pilots and Demon
GMU-61 pilots and Demon

NAF F3H-2N Demon BuNo 133550 and GMU-61 project pilots, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa 1958. Standing L-r: LCdr. Gordon Duncan; Cdr. Selden N. May OIC; and LCdr. Herkimer E. Kamp. On wing L-r: Lt. T.S. Rogers and USMC Capt. R.E. Howard. Rocketeer photo.

S. Joel Premselaar S. Joel Premselaar
S. Joel Premselaar

NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130747, Notsnik project pilot S. Joel Premselaar, circa 1958. USAF YF-104A s/n 55-2969 at left. This was a publicity shot for NOTSNIK which was America's first attempt to launch a satellite from an aircraft. I, along with one or two others, most notably Bill West, had the pleasure of launching it. There were several attempts to put it in orbit, most failed. Running in at full power in AB at an altitude of 35K, launch was on a southerly course along the Santa Barbara Islands using the Honeywell Mk. 18A LABS (low altitude bombing system) gear to release the store at 57 degrees. Adding an angle of attack of about 15 degrees (just under max coefficient of lift) left you at 75 degrees upon release. With carry through added to that, I opted for a zero "g" recovery to preclude flameout. From S. Joel Premselaar.

USAF YF-104A s/n 55-2969 USAF YF-104A s/n 55-2969
USAF YF-104A s/n 55-2969

USAF YF-104A s/n 55-2969 and FOD sweeper, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa 1958. Photo from S. Joel Premselaar.

VX-5 Vampires refueling VX-5 Vampires refueling
VX-5 Vampires refueling

VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142121, XE-23, refueling VX-5 A4D-2 BuNo 142095, XE-5, with a Mk-12 on the centerline, circa 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo from Larry Cauble.

VX-5 Vampires Skyhawks VX-5 Vampires Skyhawks
VX-5 Vampires Skyhawks

VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 BuNo 142095, XE-5, with a Mk-12 on the centerline trails behind VX-5 A4D-2 BuNo 142122, XE-6, with a Mk-12 on the centerline as it is being refueled by VX-5 A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142121, XE-23, circa 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo from Larry Cauble.

T-Pad ground station T-Pad ground station
T-Pad ground station

T-Pad ground station used to receive and decode aircraft telemetry signals, China Lake, G-Range, 1958. From left are Warren T. Hanne, John Weber, Robert L. "Bob" Leighton, Robert "Bob" Merriam, and Howard N. "Norm" Ronning. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F3D-2 Skyknight F3D-2 Skyknight
F3D-2 Skyknight

F3D-2 Skyknight (possibly BuNo 127029), China Lake, 29 January 1958. Photo from Larry McCarley.

Sidewinder-1A Sidewinder-1A

AIM-9 Sidewinder-1A, China Lake, 03 February 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NMC Hellcat drone NMC Hellcat drone
NMC Hellcat drone

Naval Missile Center F6F-6K Hellcat drone BuNo 94134, 11 February 1958. Photo by Clay Jansson via Tailhook Association.

Sea Lion deck hangar Sea Lion deck hangar
Sea Lion deck hangar

A 50-ton submarine deck hangar from the SSP-315 Sea Lion being off-loaded from a truck on Camel T Range circa February 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo from Cliff Lawson.

Sea Lion deck hangar Sea Lion deck hangar
Sea Lion deck hangar

The Propellant and Explosives Department acquires the 50 ton deck hangar from the submarine Sea Lion for use as a high altitude test chamber. After modification the chamber will be used to test pyrotechnics, igniters and small scale rocket motors to be fired at extreme altitudes, China Lake, 14 February 1958. Rocketeer photo.

VA-145 pilots VA-145 pilots
VA-145 pilots

VA-145 set a new record on Charlie Range when 13 of its 14 members qualified for the Navy E in loft bombing delivery maneuvers. Front row (l-r) Lt(jg). Walt Kleffer, Lt(jg). Walt McCall, Lt(jg). Gay Helm, Lt(jg). Gene Wick, Lt(jg). Ron Rypel, Lt. George DeLong and Lt. Maury Saubers. Back row (l-r) Lt(jg). Dick Braun, Lt(jg). Don Gilbert, Lt(jg). Dick Doudon, Cdr. Steve Brooks, Lt(jg). Bob Westly, Lt(jg). Ray Wojdula, and Lt(jg). "Notsi" Cowan. Cdr. Brooks was formerly attached to NAF from 1946-1948. Armitage Field, China Lake, 28 February 1958. Rocketeer photo.


NASWF Albuquerque FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139541, XS-13B weapon, Armitage Field, China Lake, 28 Feb 1958. R4D-8 BuNo 138820 in the background at right. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NAF FJ-4B Fury NAF FJ-4B Fury
NAF FJ-4B Fury

NAF F8U Crusader BuNo 144435 & FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139308, ZUNI rocket launcher, Armitage Field, China Lake, 01 Mar 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

USAF F-104A Starfighter USAF F-104A Starfighter
USAF F-104A Starfighter

USAF F-104A Starfighter s/n 56-0737 in-flight with Sidewinder 1C missiles, China Lake, 18 Mar 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NAF Skyknight and Demon NAF Skyknight and Demon
NAF Skyknight and Demon

NAF F3D-1 Skyknight BuNo 123744 & F3H-2N Demon BuNo 133550 with AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles over fumaroles, 18 Mar 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NAF F8U-1 Crusader NAF F8U-1 Crusader
NAF F8U-1 Crusader

NAF F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 143706 in-flight with A Sidewinder missile, Last Chance canyon, 18 Mar 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Crusader, Demon and Skyknight Crusader, Demon and Skyknight
Crusader, Demon and Skyknight

NAF F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 143706, F3H-2N Demon BuNo 133550 and F3D-1 Skyknight BuNo 123744 with Sidewinder missiles over Trona Terrain, 18 Mar 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

VX-5 Skyraider & Hellcat drones VX-5 Skyraider & Hellcat drones
VX-5 Skyraider & Hellcat drones

VX-5 Vampires AD-5 Skyraider BuNo 132488 and NAF F6F-5K Hellcats BuNo 094425 & BuNo 079950, China Lake, 24 March 1958. Official U.S . Navy photo.

NAF Line Shack and aircraft NAF Line Shack and aircraft
NAF Line Shack and aircraft

NAF F6F-5K Hellcats including BuNo 93654, T-28BD Trojans BuNo 138192 & BuNo 138261 and R4D-6 Skytrain BuNo 50785, east side of the Line Shack, Armitage Field, China Lake, 24 March 1958. Official U.S . Navy photo.

John and Boyd Watkins John and Boyd Watkins
John and Boyd Watkins

NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130747 and VX-5 Vampires identical twins John and Boyd Watkins, both SN in the Data Reduction Branch, Projects and Operations Department, China Lake, 04 April 1958. Rocketeer photo.

F3H-2N Demon F3H-2N Demon
F3H-2N Demon

F3H-2N Demon, probably NSWEF Albq., Armitage Field, China Lake, 16 Apr 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F8U-1 Crusader in-flight F8U-1 Crusader in-flight
F8U-1 Crusader in-flight

NAF F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 145331 in-flight firing A Sidewinder 1A missile, China Lake, 21 April 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Hi-altitude chamber Hi-altitude chamber
Hi-altitude chamber

NOTS Hi-altitude chamber and what looks to be a Tiny Tim rocket, China Lake, circa May 1958. Rocketeer photo.

RCAF Lancaster RCAF Lancaster
RCAF Lancaster

A 7-member party of RCAF personnel under the leadership of Flight Lt. Henry visited NAF for an evaluation of their modified Lancaster bomber and familiarization of the crew with the Ryan Firebee KDA-1 Drone, Armitage Field, China Lake, 02 May 1958. Rocketeer photo.

F6F-5K Hellcat target drone F6F-5K Hellcat target drone
F6F-5K Hellcat target drone

A Sidewinder 1A missile fired from an unknown NAF F9F Cougar strikes an F6F-5K Hellcat target drone over Naval Ordnance Test Station (NOTS) China Lake, California, 2 May 1958. Official U. S. Navy photo from R.L Lawson collection.

Remains of 134762 Remains of 134762
Remains of 134762

Remains of NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 134762 after flight controls failed and Joel Premselaar ejected, China Lake, 14 May 1958. Photo from Joel Premselaar.

RAdm. John Quinn RAdm. John Quinn
RAdm. John Quinn

RAdm. John Quinn (center), Deputy and Assistant Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance, is presented with the GMU-61 insignia in recognition for scoring a direct hit with Sidewinder while here on a visit last Friday. With the Admiral are GMU-61 pilots Lt. Tom Rogers (left) and Cdr. Seldon May, Armitage Field, China Lake, 16 May 1958. In the background is NAF F3D-1 Skyknight BuNo 123744. Rocketeer photo.

RIM-2 Terrier RIM-2 Terrier
RIM-2 Terrier

USMC GMTU-25 personnel approach RIM-2 Terrier missile launcher on twin missile loaders, China Lake, Armed Forces Day 1958. Naval Aviation News photo.

JD-1D Invader JD-1D Invader
JD-1D Invader

NAF JD-1D Invader (Jig Dog) BuNo 140356, KDA-1 Firebee s/n KD-4173, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa AFD 1958. Photographer unknown.

T-28BD Trojan T-28BD Trojan
T-28BD Trojan

NAF T-28BD Trojan BuNo 138192 taxiing at Armitage Field, China Lake, 17 May 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo, R.L. Lawson collection.

AIM-9 Sidewinder display AIM-9 Sidewinder display
AIM-9 Sidewinder display

AIM-9 Sidewinder display, Corona, 17 May 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Will (Sugarfoot) Hutchins Will (Sugarfoot) Hutchins
Will (Sugarfoot) Hutchins

Will "Sugarfoot" Hutchins lands at Armitage Field after his first flight in a jet. L-r in front of NAF F3D-2 Skyknight BuNo 124616 are pilot LCdr. W.W. West, Sugarfoot, NAF CO Capt. Guy Anderson and Maj. W.C. "Buck" Benton, his escort for the day, China Lake, 23 May 1958. Rocketeer photo.

Missile Transportation Seminar Missile Transportation Seminar
Missile Transportation Seminar

Pictured in front of the Navy's sleek Regulus II missile are some of the 75 delegates who attended the 3-day Missile Transportation Seminar held on the Station this week, China Lake, 23 May 1958. Rocketeer photo.

NAF F3H-2N Demon NAF F3H-2N Demon
NAF F3H-2N Demon

NAF F3H-2N Demon BuNo 133550, Sidewinder missile, China Lake, 27 May 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Vampires A-3D-2 Skywarrior Vampires A-3D-2 Skywarrior
Vampires A-3D-2 Skywarrior

VX-5 Vampires A-3D-2 Skywarrior BuNo 142630, XE-15, in-flight, 01 June 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.


NOTS Project ("NOTSNIK") test shape ready for flight on F4D-1 BuNo 130747, Armitage Field, 05 June 1958; NOTSNIK, China Lake's crash-program answer to Sputnik, was an air-launched satellite-delivery system built in-house from available components and with no moving parts; six test launches were made, without provable success, but some people believe one was successful and that NOTS launched one of the first U.S. satellites. Looks like Steve Little on the side of the FJ.

VMCJ-3 F3D-2 Skyknights VMCJ-3 F3D-2 Skyknights
VMCJ-3 F3D-2 Skyknights

VMCJ-3 F3D-2 Skyknight BuNo's 124596, TN-16, and 125846, TN-11, Hot Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, 05 Jun 1958. Official U.S. Navy Photo.

NOTSNIK test shape NOTSNIK test shape
NOTSNIK test shape

NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130747, NOTSNIK test shape ready for flight , pilot unknown, civilian is Steve Little, Hot Line, Armitage Field, Armitage Field, 05 June 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.


NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130747, Project "NOTSNIK" test shape getting airborne, Armitage Field, China Lake, 05 Jun 1958. Official U.S. Navy Photo.

VX-5 FJ-4B Fury VX-5 FJ-4B Fury
VX-5 FJ-4B Fury

NAF AD-4B Skyraider BuNo 132325 & VX-5 Vampires FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139551, XE-2, HOPI, west side of the NAF Line Shack, Armitage Field, China Lake, 06 Jun 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NAF AD-4B Skyraider NAF AD-4B Skyraider
NAF AD-4B Skyraider

NAF AD-4B Skyraider BuNo 132325, west side of the NAF Line Shack, Armitage Field, China Lake, 06 Jun 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawk Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawk
Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawk

VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142122, XE-6, p/c A.L. Burns, HOPI on the center line station, Armitage Field, China Lake, 06 Jun 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Vampires AD-5N Skyraider Vampires AD-5N Skyraider
Vampires AD-5N Skyraider

VX-5 Vampires AD-5N Skyraider BuNo 132598, XE-21, HOPI, Armitage Field, China Lake, 06 June 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Vampires A3D-2 Skywarrior Vampires A3D-2 Skywarrior
Vampires A3D-2 Skywarrior

VX-5 Vampires A3D-2 Skywarrior BuNo 142630, XE-15, HOPI upload, Armitage Field, China Lake, 06 Jun 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NOTSNIK on ground launcher NOTSNIK on ground launcher
NOTSNIK on ground launcher

NOTSNIK on ground launcher ready for firing, China Lake, 10 June 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

VX-5 Vampires VX-5 Vampires
VX-5 Vampires

VX-5 Vampires A3D-2 Skywarrior BuNo 142250 and A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142792, XE-8, Armitage Field, China Lake, June 1958. L-R Cdr. John K. Beling, Gene Arnold, Don Wegley, LCdr. Larry Cauble, CDR Dale Cox, LCdr./Cdr. Skeet Eaton, LCdr. Gus Hopfinger, Bob Moore, (unidentified) and LCdr. Calvin "Bob" Gilbert, China Lake, June 1958. Photo is from Larry Cauble, Jr.

Armitage Field Gas Farm Armitage Field Gas Farm
Armitage Field Gas Farm

Armitage Field Gas Farm, Driver Ron Erbland, tractor 96-09471, Tank Trailer 97-07633, 1958. Photo from Ron Erbland.

Sidewinder 1B on F-104A Starfighter Sidewinder 1B on F-104A Starfighter
Sidewinder 1B on F-104A Starfighter

USAF F-104A Starfighter s/n 56-0736, Sidewinder 1B missile, Armitage Field, China Lake, 10 Jul 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

RAdm. W.K. Mendenhall, Jr. RAdm. W.K. Mendenhall, Jr.
RAdm. W.K. Mendenhall, Jr.

RAdm. W.K. Mendenhall, Jr., ComOpDevFor is shown here this week after a familiarization flight in and A3D-2 Skywarrior. With him are VX-5 CO Capt. R.A. Beveridge, VX-5 XO Cdr. Dale Cox and GMEU-1 San Diego O-in-C Capt H.C. Maynard, Armitage Field, China Lake, 11 July 1958. Rocketeer photo.

NAF Skyray and NOTSNIK NAF Skyray and NOTSNIK
NAF Skyray and NOTSNIK

NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130747, NOTSNIK being loaded by the Ordies, China Lake, 19 July 1958. Official U.S. Navy Photo.

Swiss military experts Swiss military experts
Swiss military experts

Nine Swiss military experts visited NOTS last week to observe the Station's missile testing facilities and to witness a RIM-2 Terrier missile firing by the Marine Guided Missile Test Unit (MGMTU), China Lake, 25 July 1958. Rocketeer photo.

F9F-8B Cougar BuNo 141228 F9F-8B Cougar BuNo 141228
F9F-8B Cougar BuNo 141228

VX-5 Vampires F9F-8B Cougar BuNo 141228, XE-11, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa August 1958. Photo from C. Gilbert.

VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawks VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawks
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawks

VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142095, XE-5, and VX-5 A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142122, XE-6, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa August 1958. Photo from C. Gilbert.

F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745 F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745
F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745

NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745, NOTSNIK, Armitage Field, China Lake, 05 Aug 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745 F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745
F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745

NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130747, NOTSNIK, pilot & Bluejackets unknown, Armitage Field, China Lake, 05 Aug 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NOTS Project NOTS Project
NOTS Project

NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130747, NOTS Project, Armitage Field, China Lake, 12 Aug 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Hangar 3 construction Hangar 3 construction
Hangar 3 construction

NAF Hangar 3 construction, Armitage Field, China Lake, 22 August 1958. Official U.S . Navy photo.

NAF pilots and plane captains NAF pilots and plane captains
NAF pilots and plane captains

NAF pilots and plane captains in front of F3H-2N Demon BuNo 133550, F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 145331, F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745 and unknown F6F-5K Hellcat drone, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa September 1958. Naval Aviation News photo. Standing l-r: LCdrs G.W. Bailey, S.J. Premselaar, H.E. Camp & R.O. Westcott. Kneeling l-r: plane captains K.L. Vollmert, R.C. Thormahlen, W.H. Smith and L.D. Gaston

Fighter Line (hot line) crews Fighter Line (hot line) crews
Fighter Line (hot line) crews

Fighter Line (hot line) crews in front of F8U-1 Crusader 145331 & F4D-1 Skyray 130745, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa September 1958. Standing on the far left is the Chief, aka Old Stoneface" next to him is Bob "Hacksaw" Bledsoe and third is Bob "Snake" Dituri who decided to flip their hat bills up and look like a couple of dorks for the picture. Photo from Bob Bledsoe.

Bob Bledsoe Bob Bledsoe
Bob Bledsoe

Bob Bledsoe, aka Hacksaw, on the slightly modified NAF Hot Rod mule which had a roll bar, extended gearshift, competition wheel discs etc., Hot Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa September 1958. Photo from Bob Bledsoe.

Plane Captain Bob Bledsoe Plane Captain Bob Bledsoe
Plane Captain Bob Bledsoe

Plane Captain Bob Bledsoe shooting MIGs in NAF F3H-2N Demon BuNo 133550, Hot Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa September 1958. Photo from Bob Bledsoe.

Capt. Eugene Fairfax Capt. Eugene Fairfax
Capt. Eugene Fairfax

USN Capt. Eugene Fairfax receives honorary membership in GMU-61 from Cdr. Gordon Duncan after he fired two Sidewinder missiles during a two-day visit here on Sept 19, 1958. Capt. Fairfax is head of Air Launch Branch, Guided Missile Division, CNO. Rocketeer photo.

Sidewinder 1-C Sidewinder 1-C
Sidewinder 1-C

Sidewinder 1-C with continuous rod warhead in tail attack drawing, China Lake, 23 September 1958. Oficial U.S. Navy photo.

Sidewinder 1-C Sidewinder 1-C
Sidewinder 1-C

Sidewinder 1-C with continuous rod warhead in tail attack drawing, China Lake, 23 September 1958. Oficial U.S. Navy photo.

VX-5 Vampires officers & enlisted VX-5 Vampires officers & enlisted
VX-5 Vampires officers & enlisted

VX-5 Vampires officers & enlisted pose in front of VX-5 FJ-4B Fury BuNo 143494, XE-2, and VX-5 FJ-4B Fury BuNo 143493, XE-5, Armitage Field, China Lake, October 1958. Officers are LCdr. Calvin R. Gilbert, standing 7th from left and in the front row Capt. Bill Fitch, 5th from left, Cdr. Larry Cauble 6th from left and Cdr. Russ "Skeet" Eaton who is 7th. Official U.S. Navy photo from Larry Cauble, Jr.

MB-1 Crash and Rescue Truck MB-1 Crash and Rescue Truck
MB-1 Crash and Rescue Truck

NAF AN N.E. Levy and AN J.W. Stallman man the turrets atop the MB-1 Crash and Rescue Truck. AN R.G. Rascon at left and D.H. Hudspeth in doorway fill two more of the five man enlisted complement. Fire Dept. Capt. R.A. Howell and driver Roy D. Carter sit in the cab. In front of the MB-1 are L-r NAF Operations Officer Cdr. A.O. Turner, Fire Chief A.C. Wright and Fire Marshall Cdr. E.H. Gunther, China Lake, 03 October 1958. Rocketeer photo.

Argentine Minister of Marine Argentine Minister of Marine
Argentine Minister of Marine

Argentine Minister of Marine RAdm. Adolfo B. Estevez (center) examines a Sidewinder missile on F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 145331. Others (l-r) are RAdm. Mario A. Robbio, Capt. Rafael Palomeque, Dr. Wm. B. McLean and Capt. W.W. Hollister, China Lake, 03 October 1958. Rocketeer photo.

F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 145443 F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 145443
F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 145443

NAF F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 145443 firing a Sidewinder 1A missile, China Lake, 02 Oct 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.


A new seat ejection system for Navy pilots is being developed and tested at NOTS, China Lake, for the Navy’s Bureau of Ordnance. The new system, known as Rocket-Assisted Personnel Ejection Catapult (RAPEC) works in two simplified steps. First, gasses from a small rocket propels the seat out of the plane. A second rocket propellant charge then ignites and projects the seat to the desired attitude where the seat and pilot become separated. The pilot’s parachute then lowers him safely to Earth. In preliminary static tests a dummy was successfully catapulted 225 feet skyward and was parachuted back to earth, China Lake, 06 October 1958. Official U.S. Navy Photo 710315.

TV-Type Camera scanner TV-Type Camera scanner
TV-Type Camera scanner

TV-Type Camera scanner system to picture the moon constructed at NOTS China Lake. It was designed to scan the surface of the moon from horizon to horizon, gradually covering the entire surface as the satellite advanced around the moon. It was carried in the Air Force Lunar Probe Fighter Rocket launched on 11 October 1958, Official U.S. Navy photo

Camera scanner reflector Camera scanner reflector
Camera scanner reflector

TV-Type Camera scanner system to picture the moon constructed at NOTS China Lake shows a scientist holding the reflector, showing himself. The unit was carried in the Air Force Lunar Probe Fighter Rocket launched on 11 October 1958, Official U.S. Navy photo.

NAF Flight personnel NAF Flight personnel
NAF Flight personnel

NAF Flight personnel (l-r) pilot LCdr. Richard L. Kopps, bombardier-navigator LCdr Leo J. Zok and plane captain AD1 Edward A. Simmons demonstrated the modern age jet transportation when they carried the mail from San Francisco to St. Louis in 2 hours and 58 minutes over the same Overland Mail route that required 24 days 100 years ago, China Lake, 17 October 1958. Rocketeer photo.

Mk-16 fire control system Mk-16 fire control system
Mk-16 fire control system

LCdr. Joel Premselaar in NAF F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 144435 as he tests the Mk-16 fire control system by making supersonic gunnery runs on an A3D Skywarrior, China Lake, 29 October 1958. Photo from Joel Premselaar.

Sidewinder missile on F3D-1 Skyknight Sidewinder missile on F3D-1 Skyknight
Sidewinder missile on F3D-1 Skyknight

NAF F3D-1 Skyknight BuNo 123744, Sidewinder missile, Armitage Field, China Lake, 20 Nov 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

VX-5 Vampires inspection VX-5 Vampires inspection
VX-5 Vampires inspection

VX-5 Vampires inspection & promotions 16 December 1958. L-R Capt. R.A. Beveridge, unknown, AMS-3 R.C.A. Erbland and L.D. Gaddy. Photo from Ron Erbland.

Enlisted Men's Pickup Station Enlisted Men's Pickup Station
Enlisted Men's Pickup Station

NOTS enlisted men (l-r) William Stuegal, Nelson Crosby, Hartman Kite and Richard Gregory hope to get a ride home for the holidays by using the Enlisted Men's Pickup Station located immediately outside the Main Gate, China Lake, 19 December 1958. Rocketeer photo.

Hot Point drop Hot Point drop
Hot Point drop

A4D-1 Skyhawk, Hot Point drop, China Lake, 19 Dec 1958. Official U.S. Navy photo.

T-Pad T-Pad

T-Pad ground station used to receive and decode aircraft telemetry signals, China Lake, G-Range, 1958. From left are Warren T. Hanne, John Weber, Robert L. "Bob" Leighton, Robert "Bob" Merriam, and Howard N. "Norm" Ronning.